Category : Final Fantasy XI

Rants and Wants (don’t rhyme)

Rant: My Dell laptop …. just makes me angry. It’s been two months now, and it gave me blue screen of death and refused to start Windows. Tried other methods, gave up and called Dell support. They told me to reset the laptop…. and lose everything. I don’t think my laptop’s very pretty, but I […]

Hydra Pushdown =P but I’m not in it!

GuessWho This LS been fun for me. Everything fits into my schedule perfectly. A balance between academic and playtime ^^. Its time to really make it my home :3 So where’s MaiTalu? ‘-‘ (lol) Anyway, my LS also schedule the coolest shittiest event when I have 3 midterms! Way to go Weeber, no wonder I […]

Helping Adventures = Good Luck ^^;

Jowah’s ffxi cosplay piccies! Sooo adorable so go see it –> Trying to burn KS I didn’t really sponser any KS99 back when I was in Omen, didn’t really need the gil back then so now… I have nearly 4.8 stacks of KS. Went to ask around and ugh.. Scraggy told me about the Scarlet […]

Tazo’s 1st Dynamis!

Is Tazo deep in thought, or really sleepy? ^^ Dynamis Windy Flag: O Thanks to Bub and Mai who encouraged me to try it out. It was an ‘interesting’ experience. I could’ve not died during this run, but at the 10-minutes left mark, I decided to make it a “Die-namis” as everyone called it. I’d […]

Novio, Blue Mage Chat and Istari…

A week in review! Guess what job is Etain! She’s one of the Fenrir Bloggers too if you didn’t know ^^; Its weird, you become friends to them ‘-‘ just by reading their blogs! Its magic of the Windy Talus! hehe. Speaking of Windy citizen, I never knew, Heavens Tower got a basement x__x Oh […]