Mai’s Red Mage Equipment!
Last Update: 2008 October
There are numerous way in gearing a job. We all have different beliefs and I do respect that difference in beliefs and preferences. So here’s simply Mai’s way of equipping my Red Mage. By no means the correct way of gearing a Red Mage, simply Mai’s way of gearing Red Mage. Instead of showing you all my equipment, I’ll just show you what kind of equipment I swap for what spell ^^;
Btw, these equipment are all PvE. If its PvP or Soloplay, it’d be a different story.
– Jet > Mahatma Slops, but mines sign by a friend ^^;
– All stuff mention here excludes merits ^^
– They are in no specific order ‘.’ just the order I took my Screenshot ^^
– If you are going to look at the Stats, please take note that I do have 5 INT merits (77 base + 5) and 8 MP merits (80mp more)
Convert Equipment – BLM Sub

Convert Equipment
Main: Apollo’s Staff
Sub: Raptor Strap +1 (15HP 10MP)
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb (30MP)
Head: Walahra Turban (30HP 30MP)
Neck: Uggalepih Pendent (20MP)
Ear1: Loquacious Earring (30MP)
Ear2: Magnetic Earring (20MP)
Body: Crimson Scale Mail (40HP 40MP)
Hands: Blood Finger Gauntlets (22HP 22MP)
Ring1: Bomb Queen Ring (75HP)
Ring2: Tamas Ring (30MP)
Back: Gigant Mantle (80HP)
Waist: Hierarch Belt (48MP)
Legs: Blood Cuisses (27HP 27MP)
Feet: Blood Greaves (17HP 17MP)
Note: Probably what blows everyone away in a Merit Party.. my Stamina. After convert I still have roughly 1100MP to spare. Considering my convert timer is at 8:20, it works out to be 2.2mp/sec + .66mp/sec (Dalmatica + AF2 Hat) + .73mp/sec (Refresh-40 mp cost). For those that don’t believe the screenshot of 1177HP and 1178MP, here’s Mai naked Taru (Its really naked ^^), and you can do the adding above ^^.
Cure Equipment – Normal

Cure II/III Equipment (Normal Cures). Old Setup Here
Main: Apollo’s Staff
Sub: Staff Strap
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Duelist’s Chapeau
Neck: Fenrir’s Torque
Ear1: Novia Earring
Ear2: Communion Earring +1
Body: Morrigan’s Robe (Upgraded from Dalmatica)
Hands: Nashira’s Gages (Upgraded from Devotee Mitts +1)
Ring1: Communion Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Errant’s Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Morrigan’s Slops (Upgraded from Zenith Slacks +1)
Feet: Mahatma Pigaches
Note: Normal healing gear maintains the 2 MP/tick setup. The setup was fine tuned to squeeze as MND as possible (yea, 1 more HP per 10MND), but knowing Cure II’s hate will be gone by the time finish casting according to Kaeko, you don’t really need to load max -Enmity for general curing.
Updated: Sept 2008
Cure Equipment – Fast Cast

Cure II/III Equipment (Fast Cures)
Main: Apollo’s Staff
Sub: Staff Strap
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Warlock’s Chapeau +1
Neck: Fenrir’s Torque
Ear1: Novia Earring
Ear2: Loquacious Earring
Body: Duelist’s Tabard
Hands: Devotee Mitts +1
Ring1: Communion Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Errant’s Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Nashira Seraweels.
Feet: Mahatma Pigaches
Note: Fast Cast x2 to reduce casting time by 10%, maintains low enmity and even have Nashira Pants for faster recast!
Cure Equipment – Cure IV Only

Cure IV Equipment (Stacking -Enmity). Old Setup Here
Main: Apollo’s Staff
Sub: Staff Strap (-2 Enmity)
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb (-1 Enmity)
Head: Nashira Turban (-5 Enmity)
Neck: Fenrir’s Torque (-3 Enmity)
Ear1: Novia Earring (-7 Enmity)
Ear2: Heavens Earring +1 (Upgraded from Loquacious Earring; -2 Enmity)
Body: Mahatma Houppelande (Upgraded from Duelist’s Tabard; -4 Enmity)
Hands: Nashira Gages (Upgraded from Devotee Mitts +1; -4 Enmity)
Ring1: Communion Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring (-3 Enmity)
Back: Errant’s Cape (-5 Enmity)
Waist: Theta Sash (Upgraded from Penitent’s Rope; -5 Enmity)
Legs: Morrigan’s Slops (Upgraded from Mahatma Slops; -2 Enmity)
Feet: Morrigan’s Pigaches (Upgraded from Mahatma Pigaches; -3 Enmity)
Note: This is full stack of – Enmity (-46 Enmity). If you read Kaeko’s research on Enmity, the amount of hate generated is amount of HP cured. There is NOTHING you can do to VE, but you COULD do something about CE.
– Enmity caps at MINUS 50 So with the above -46 from gear and -4 Enmity Reduction from merits gets me to the sweet spot of -50 =) Ability that minus Enmity does not count towards the -50 cap.
Here’s Kaeko -Enmity writeup section.
Updated: Aug 2008
Debuff Equipment – Slow II/Dia II/Silence

Slow II Equipment (Stacking Enfeebling). Old Setup Here.
Main: Terra’s Staff (Changes according to spell)
Sub: Raptor Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Duelist’s Chapeau
Neck: Enfeebling Torque
Ear1: Enfeebling Earring
Ear2: Communion Earring +1
Body: Warlock’s Tabard +1
Hands: Morrigan’s Cuffs (Upgraded from Devotee’s Mitts +1; Magic Acc. +5)
Ring1: Balrahn’s Ring (Upgraded from Communion Ring; Magic Acc. +4)
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Altruistic Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Nashira Seraweels
Feet: Nashira Crackows (Upgraded from Mahatma Pigaches; Magic Acc. +2)
Note: Slow II, Silence are all MND-based Enfeebling that… doesn’t really care about MND. It doesn’t affect duration and.. it either “Silence”, or it “Doesn’t Silence”. So therefore, the most important thing about this set of equipment is boost highest Enfeebling / Magic Acc (0.9 of Enfeebling Skills).
This setup offers an Enfeebling of 342 as well as 11 additional Magic Accuracy rating.
Updated: Sept 2008
Debuff Equipment – Paralyze II

Paralyze II Equipment (Stacking MND), Old Setup Here.
Main: Aquilo’s Staff
Sub: Raptor Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap; +2 MND)
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Morrigan’s Coronal (Upgraded from Duelist’s Chapeau; +4 MND)
Neck: Morgana’s Choker (Upgraded from Promise Badge; +5 MND)
Ear1: Communion Earring (Upgraded from Enfeebling Earring; +2 MND)
Ear2: Communion Earring +1 (+2 MND)
Body: Mahatma Hpl. (Upgraded from Crimson Scale Mail; +11 MND)
Hands: Devotee Mitts +1 (+6 MND)
Ring1: Communion Ring (+5 MND)
Ring2: Tamas Ring (+5 MND)
Back: Prism Cape (+4 MND)
Waist: Penitent’s Rope (+5 MND)
Legs: Morrigan’s Slops (Upgraded from Nashira Seraweels; +10 MND)
Feet: Morrigan’s Pigaches (Upgraded from Mahatma Pigaches; +10 MND)
Note: Paralyze II’s recast is low, and from my experience, stacking MND does make Paralyze II to have a higher proc rate (enough to have people ask me what merits I had after Salvage, it procs that much…on LBC). So even if it doesn’t land, I can go cast Refresh, come back and Paralyze II is up again. Here’s nothing but MND. Higher Proc Paralyze can save a lot of MP in the long run for everyone!
Updated: Oct 2008
Nuking Equipment – MAB Setup

Magic Attack Bonus Equipment. Old Setup Here.
Main: Jupiter’s Staff
Sub: Bugard Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Phantom Tathlum
Head: Yigit Turban (2 MAB)
Neck: Uggalepih Pendant (~5-8MAB)
Ear1: Novio Earring (7 MAB)
Ear2: Moldavite Earring (+5 MAB)
Body: Morrigan’s Rope (Upgraded from Yigit Gomlek; 5 MAB)
Hands: Morrigan’s Cuffs (Upgraded from Zenith Mitts; 5 MAB)
Ring1: Omniscient Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Mahatma Slops
Feet: Duelist’s Boots (4 MAB)
Note: 33 MAB, its nice to see 800 constant Thunder III or 1k if you have the right day and equipping Obi, but this setup is very dangerous since it can easily get resisted, its simply for “Burst Damage”, but not really nice when it comes to “Consistency” or “DPS”, so to resolve that issue, I have a setup that stacks a bit more Elemental.
Updated: Aug 2008
Nuking Equipment – Elemental Setup

Elemental Skills Equipment. Old Setup Here.
Main: Aquilo’s Staff
Sub: Bugard Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Phantom Tathlum
Head: Warlock’s Chepeau +1 (10 Elemental)
Neck: Elemental Torque (7 Elemental)
Ear1: Novio Earring (7 MAB)
Ear2: Elemental Earring (3 Elemental)
Body: Morrigan’s Robe (Upgraded from Crimson Scale Mail; 5 MAB, 5 Magic Acc)
Hands: Morrigan’s Cuffs (5 MAB)
Ring1: Omniscient Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Duelist’s Slops (10 Elemental)
Feet: Duelist’s Boots (4 MAB)
Note: With 284 Elemental and roughly 21 MAB as well as 5 Magic Acc, it can squeeze some nicely constant 700 Blizzard III =O I use this set a lot due to the fact that these are not random burst damage, but consistent damage!
Updated: Sept 2008
Debuff Equipment – Gravity/Sleep/Dispel/Poison/Bind

Gravity Equipment. Old Setup Here.
Main: Auster’s Staff (Changes according to spell)
Sub: Bugard Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Phantom Tathlum
Head: Duelist’s Chapeau
Neck: Enfeebling Torque
Ear1: Enfeebling Earring
Ear2: Phantom Earring +1
Body: Warlock’s Tabard +1
Hands: Morrigan’s Cuffs (Upgraded from Duelist’s Gloves)
Ring1: Balrahn’s Ring (Upgraded from Omniscient Ring)
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Altruistic Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Nashira Seraweels
Feet: Morrigan’s Pigaches (Upgraded from Duelist’s Boots)
Note: 342 Enfebbling with a few Magic Acc =) This ensures nothing but Accuracy are max for any spell that comes out of this equipment set. Of course, INT-based enfeebling =)
Updated: Oct 2008
Stoneskin Equipment

Stoneskin Equipment. Old Setup Here.
Main: Terra’s Staff
Sub: Raptor Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Warlock’s Chapeau +1
Neck: Morgana’s Choker (Upgraded from Fenrir’s Torque)
Ear1: Loquacious Earring
Ear2: Communion Earring +1 (Upgraded from Novia Earring)
Body: Duelist’s Tabard
Hands: Nashira Gages (Upgraded from Devotee’s Mitts +1)
Ring1: Communion Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Swift Belt
Legs: Nashira Seraweels (Upgraded from Mahatma Slops)
Feet: Morrigan’s Pigaches (Upgraded from Mahatma Pigaches)
Note: First of all, you only need 95 MND to max out Stoneskin. You can read the rest about stoneskin on that post, so I’ve got 95 MND, then I try to stack Fast Cast, so it finishes quicker! Terra Staff? No, it doesn’t make Stoneskin stronger, its simply because when you take high damage, the chances of spell being interrupted is higher, so the Terra is simply there to ensure I don’t take too much damage (besides, when you’re casting Stoneskin, chances are you had hate ^^). The rest were just haste, so the cooldown be shorter.
Dark Equipment – Stun

Dark Skills Equipment. Old Setup Here.
Main: Pluto’s Staff (Changes according to spell)
Sub: Bugard Strap +1 (Upgraded from Staff Strap)
Ammo: Phantom Tathlum
Head: Warlock’s Chapeau +1
Neck: Dark Torque
Ear1: Loquacious Earring
Ear2: Phantom Earring +1
Body: Duelist’s Tabard
Hands: Blood Finger Gauntlets
Ring1: Balrahn’s Ring (Upgraded from Omniscient Ring)
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Prism Cape
Waist: Penitent’s Rope
Legs: Morrigan’s Slops (Upgraded from Mahatma Slops)
Feet: Nashira Crackows (Upgraded from Duelist’s Boots)
Note: This set I emphasize on Accuracy. As we all know, our DRK magic is pretty crappy, so to avoid Stun resist, I stack a little more than above accuracy gear onto this.
MP Capacity Equipment – Practical Setup (1346MP Constant)

MP Equipment without being retarded. Old Setup Here.
Main: Pluto’s Staff
Sub: Staff Strap
Ammo: Hedgehog Bomb
Head: Duelist’s Chapeau
Neck: Morgana’s Choker (Upgraded from Uggalepih Pendent)
Ear1: Loquacious Earring
Ear2: Magnetic Earring
Body: Dalmatica
Hands: Zenith Mitts
Ring1: Serket Ring
Ring2: Tamas Ring
Back: Errant Cape
Waist: Hierarch
Legs: Zenith Slacks +1
Feet: Mahatma Pigaches
Note: This setup is pretty much using what I already have. I can go retarded and put Zenith Crown +1, or wait till night time and put Fenrir Torque, Sub Summoner and wear Summoner earring but.. this is purely for when I see recharge chest in Limbus, or porting floors in Salvage, I swap to this. Yes, you do need a separate set of macro to make this all work, and I make shift to do that. (If normal Cure II is Alt + 1, Shift + 1 is Cure II with only staff changes), that way I don’t loose my MP capacity upon changing equipment, hence making my convert useless. A retarded MP setup can go up to 1388MP, but its purely just for E-peen lol… This is pactical, I can use these MP ^^;
Q: Do I pull hate with Cure IV? (with -46 & -4 Enmity)
A: Yes… sadly but true.
Q: You can use some better belt (Wizard Sash or something), a debuffing staff, Cure earrings?
A: Well, my debuff do not have accuracy problem… at all. I could upgrade the sash though, at least for debuffing. The cure earrings is still in my debate. I guess it isn’t a bad piece… damn 5m xD
Q: What else do you really want?
A: Zenith Shoes ^^ Its got INT stats plus.. the MP capacity is actually usable, at least practically. You’d think I have them, but I’m kinda shy when it comes to equipment, so I don’t have them, I gave them to blm ^^; Sucks I want them now because I kinda quit HNM lol…
Q: So what do you carry?
A: I carry my healing, debuffing and convert gear to all duck events. Honestly, RDM are healers, just accept it and live with it. Our nukes is nice, but BLM can do a better job at it, so let them do it.
Q: Where’s your refresh setup?
A: I just use Haste setups for Refresh without sacrificing the 2mp/tick from A.Body & AF2 Hat of course ^^
9 Responses to “Mai’s Red Mage Equipment!”
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I’d do something similar for my WHM and BRD gear sets, but I’m afraid that what I have pales in comparison to what you have as far as nice lewt and also variability.
For WHM I basically just have my MaxMP (practical of course), Max hMP, and Max MND setups. I do have a WHM/NIN setup too, which is loaded on STR and Accuracy where I can get it, but swap to Max MND for WS to boost dmg.
I still need my darned Reverend Mail, but I did finally get a Noble’s, so working out when to leave Noble’s on and when to equip Blessed Briault is tearing at me. I love my Blessed and I’ve had it forever, but I love having boosted cures and auto-refresh, too. It would be easy to just macro in Blessed for Max MP and Bar- spells, but that seems like it’s dishonoring what is really a great piece of gear.
I love reading about gear swaps, b/c I don’t think enough ppl care to make them. I have sets (on BRD) for overall average use, max MP, max CHR, resting, and skill (singing/wind/string). Great job, and obviously a lot of thought put into it.
Btw, the new expansion will allow you to expand your gobbiebag to 70 items, which sounds very ftw for you. ^^
So far the only thing that interests me is the 70 bag space.. :x
Maybe this weekend I’ll post up my mage set-ups, though I’ve streamlined BRD alot, but my WHM… I can hit 60/60 if I need to be ready for any/every situation. x_x
You’re making the seams of my moghouse creak with the prospect of all the gear I’ll need for my baby RDM. D:
I had a question about your MAB set. I noticed that you wear Yigit Turban and Yigit Gomlek for +2 and +5 MAB respectively, but I’m a little confused because I’ve heard that the +5 INT on AF1+1 hat and +10 on the Errant body add more total damage to a RDM’s tier-3 nukes. In addition, they add a little magic accuracy, which MAB doesn’t.
Do you know if this is true? Is there some reason you prefer MAB? I’m just curious to find out =P
Hello :)
Actually from my understanding, INT doesn’t increase dmg a lot.. probably by 2-4 per INT, whereas MAB is %’s … I have two sets like you see, an elemental accuracy set which is more focused into “landing the nuke” without resist, and also an MAB set, which is for nuking EP mobs… which doesn’t require a lot of ele skills.
So yea… MAB set is for EP or weaker mobs, but most of the time even for soloing, I’d use the elemental magic set.. for a more stable nuke :)
Mai, have you considered getting a Stone gorget and Stone mufflers for your SS set? 410dmg Stoneskin is /drool. :D
I actually had that on my bucket list. It’s the one most important thing to get… I tried a few times on Gorget, I got the nM to pop, kill but no drop … and it’s a pain in the ass to do it.
Stone Mufflers is a little easier, just got to find time :D but yea it’s one great piece that I wanna get :D ty for reminding me haha!
As yes, the Gorget. >_<
I just got mine in a 3-man party, although I’ve seen it being duo’ed before (I’m personally not as confident, nor as patient. :P)
That thread might be of interest to you. ^^
I went with THF BLM RDM- THF pins the Provoker on the pillar (he’s hideously easy to kite), the BLM deals damage, the RDM helps in misc stuff, like keeping the THF alive if something goes wrong, or zoning aggro.