Category : Final Fantasy XI

FFXI Art Contest Entries for 2009 (a few)

7th Anniversary Art Contests 7th Anniversary Art Contests! I wish I can draw, but only within the Photoshop area… and that isn’t even real drawing either. But to those that can draw, they probably had an entry for the 7th Anniversary Fan-Art contests. I’ve seen a few but yea, but like most people.. their procrastinating […]

FFXI Fanbook by Otak of Quetzalcoatl

FFXI Fanbook by Otak of Quetzalcoatl. Job Chaaange!! It’s the title of this wonderful book by Otak of Quetzalcoatl. This book is basically all of her great drawings, some of her inside-joke with her friends and lol, of course with the text in both English and Chinese (together!). I got myself a few. The amount […]

Ely’s Blog Redux (Not anymore with Maiev!)

So, something happened, its not worth discussion, but my blog was lost :( all my old posts are gone and now i’m forced to start over from square one (REALLY?!). I’m really upset that all my old posts are gone and i didn’t know if i could start over again. I wasn’t exactly getting a […]

Playing with Google Suggest of FFXI

As always, keeping Mai readers entertained ;) Here’s just some funny stuff when you tried some FFXI term with Google Suggests :) Damn Right, lots of people interested with CHEAP FFXI GIL! The one thing I get most annoyed or irritated is when people search stuff like “steal POL password” and enters Mai blog. Totally […]

WoW&FFXI Merged Fanart & WoW Music Vid

That’s in Art Dalaran Street by LovelyDagger Another grand master piece by LovelyDagger =) Actually this wasn’t a commission from me but from someone who used to be in Duck, now plays in WoW. We love our toon (WoW toons are kinda ugly to be honest, but may improve with the upcoming high-detail upgrade of […]