Category : Final Fantasy XI

Sithlady strikes back!

:D I played a game of DoTA (Warcraft3) with Jeff, Allan, Caleb, and Brain. Sithlady came out of retirement! WC3 was shelfed for the longest time … about three months when I started playing Final Fantasy. How did the name Sithlady come about? I’m a fan of StarWars (duh) but not crazily hardcore. I needed […]

Enjoying XI with Tazo ^.^

Enjoying XI with Tazo ^.^

Ugh… WP 2.05 jus popped when I just upgraded all blogs to 2.04 -.- lame… mebbe taking down the blog in the near future to upgrade stuff ><

A distant belief, no more!

:) It seems I like blogging when I’m supposed to be doing school work. (Math lesson plans aren’t that fun at the moment) Last night, with a party of 4 ninjas and 2 white mages, we FINALLY beat those wooly mammoths at the Miserable Coast. I tend to like renaming game names so just bare […]

My long lost fwen…Zimph

Ahh yes today have been such a disaster…why u ask? First, I woke up and said to myself, I will level blu all day today. That was around 10am… and while I’m lfg, I will make the Nobles LS family picture.. sounds good? Nope…. it wasn’t…. 2pm and still no party invite >.

Duoing Limbo and FFXIAH Devs.

GuessWho 6man Limbus Fafnir Limbus! I changed the title because Scragg (I don’t have a nice pic of Scragg, linked to FFXIAH ftw! rofl) told me he duo-ed Fafnir with Sumnydera, but hay ^^; its still an accomplishment Its a week ago, but its pretty nice to have a mini raid after a hard day […]