Category : Final Fantasy XI

For Istar – Just a Dream.

Dedicate this Video for my adventuring friend: Istari. You want to have music for this.

Skyport and Besiege!

It really does…. Questing in FFXI makes Taru babies cry because its so not rewarding (well most of the time). Some actually do all of them, I mean if you have the time to (do them all), the money probably adds up to a good 1mil but again, you can earn more from farming than […]

Galka Boots and Some Parrying Action!

I beat this one in.. 1993? 14 years after I play the game. Surprisingly, some of the puzzle was still up in my mind, meaning I still have a rough idea of how to solve it :O Anyhow, some “screenshot of my DS” with my DC :O Oh yea :o Rora was playing Zelda with […]

Art Contest on PlayOnline!

Man… some of these artist were actually pretty good, pretty sad that they wern’t selected. But I did find… a lot of people drew Tarus. No matter what you put a taru in, they are always cute. Just imagine the picture above… is 2 galks holding onions… rofl :D The rest of the 550 entries […]

Upgrading the Host

Nuermous people been getting time-outs for the past few months. Well I never expected in less than a year, that the “newbie” hosting plan would not be able to handle the load from all you readers :x So with the hosting plan upgraded, there was also a server change to put this website in better […]