Category : Final Fantasy XI

Jowah’s Cross-server love!

PS: Sorry, blog engine went a bit Emo on some stuff >

“GuessWho” stole the Astral Candescence ?!

That’s actually the video’s title =P But ya, my LS and I spent every hour after it was taken from Alzahbi, to retrieve it for the betterment of Fenrir’s Adventures! I’ve spent a lot of time in this video, its basically our 12 hour of adventuring packed in 10 minutes, its all shots of us […]

Astral Candescence Recovered!

Yea? I wake up this morning, AC gone (As usual, NA times), went to get food and Weeber was like, lets get that thing back for the niccaz~. I was like sure :O! So after 12 hours of adventuring in Reef, trying and retrying, me and my LS (GuessWho), soloed the Astral Candescence back to […]

Guesswho LS Website, Liquido making a Return!

Gratz to JowahTalu for her 1st Lv75! Ding Ding Ding! Long lost friend – Liquido! Its back around 2004, but me/Liquido began earlier, I think we were both um.. in DFA crew (We are talking about newbie days here, and DFA stands for, Don’t Fuck Around Crew ^^)… ever since he moved to Hades, we […]

Mai the Drama Queen, lolDaede

Mai the Drama Queen, lolDaede

Welcome to the world of Alzahbi as Home Point! Finish some jobs in Jeuno, warp to Alzahbi, a besiege… walked beside a sappers.. next thing…You know you love sappers =P I play a sapper in Dota too, I go around suicide myself for huge damage w! I sometime think, I’d hate to play myself (meaning […]