Category : Final Fantasy XI

Gil Buying in FFXI

This is what Google suggest to me… What people are Searching with Google. So I got $50 Google Ad-Words randomly for free, so I thought, might as well try it out! So upon logging in, they give you a suggestion of what most people search. Believe it or not, out of like 8 categories, 4 […]

Harvest Festival 2008

BOoooooOOO!! too bad eerie body didnt give us black mask like those formers =(. seriously, what can someone even do with eerie body. i think SE is running out of ideas now… but on the other hand, this item looks so cute!! i so want, but i cant go to CA =(.� /sigh i hate […]

The Dark Bailout + The Guild EP’s!~

First thing first, check the “screenshot” of these item on ffxiah =_=; lol. Galkan Sausage Meat Mithkabob lol Pepperoni Pizza :D You get the point =P Not to FF related, but I find it funny ;) The Dark Knight + Bailout Plan :D Its SO WELL DONE lol. The Dark Bailout See more funny videos […]

The “COOL” way to profit from the AH

Profiting from AH Price Haha Profiting like a mofo This is definitely WIN LAWL Check it out on AH here.

Taking a “real” break from XI

So tired of hunting people. Finally Being the person standing behind a linkshell isn’t an easy task at all. At all times, I feel like I need to be there to ensure things work (even though I’m not leading/running it). That process is so tiresome. When I quit my HNMLS, one prime reason was I […]