Category : Final Fantasy XI

The power of Kraken Club Ranger.

It is really simple, the more weapon skills you can do per 30 secs, the faster the monster will die, and that is exactly what Kraken Club gives a Ranger. Ranger generally suffers from the inability to auto-ranged attack, or not being able to benefit from Haste. One may argue that Ranger has access to […]

Parrying Skillup – The End!

So I woke up… I saw a damn Wind Ore (Yes, buying damn Wind Ore / Wind Bead is like impossible)… so happy and… Yea.. I freaking broke it… G.G. I was pretty pissed… so I enclosed myself in Den of Rancor all day… Parrying Skillup…. and I got…

Rocked out Bugbear! (Lv75)

Ran in normally prepared. Rocked this guy out… & here’s the video of course :) A few things I know from this fight. He hits hard, nearly 300 per hit, not as bad as Fenrir… He had a ton more HP than Fenrir Sleepable Gravity and Bind start resisting later… So to fight this, I’ve […]

STR and AGI, which for Lv75 Rng?

Assuming that you have an abundant amount of ranged accuracy, so adding AGI will not help much more with regards to your ranged hit rate – number of arrows hit / total number of arrows fired. Also assuming the increases in STR and AGI can be equivalently found from the same slot of armor, just […]

Einherjar Rocked!

So we did In-her-jar tonight. Rocked :) Last one was close too! We did Rossweisse Chamber! We got hounds and birds today! Rape the hounds, the random-pop NM and pull the boss. This boss took roughly 12 minutes. We had our KC dark as usual and the HP didn’t even dent lol! He did use […]