The TaruTaru Maiev

FanArt of Maiev by San-Renard
(Last update on: Dec 25, 2011)
Name: Maiev
Created on: October 2003
Server: Fenrir (Primary), Midgardsormr, Titan
Race/Sex/Nation: TaruTaru Female F5B of Windurst
Linkshell: DFA Crew, TheLightWarriors, Omen, Unbreakables, Omen II, GuessWho, DuckHUNT (leader)
Fellow NPC: Cupapa
A Little about Maiev Taru:
This blog is about a little tarutaru female call Maiev, who loves enjoying adventuring, pioneering and excel through the game utilizing mathematics. (lol)
I spend most of my time trying to figure out how to beat the game. I’m always up for experiments, testing, trying new things and pushing the game to limits by trying insane things.
I’ve done almost all events that FFXI had to offer prior to Wings of the Goddess. HNM ENM, xNM, Salvage, Dynamis etc.
However, the thing I enjoy the most is beating epic monster by myself – hence soloing it. I believe I truly understand the Red Mage class, and can bring it to the limits.
Maiev’s Last Red Mage Solo – Ix’Mnk
- Achieve 1st NA Goldsmithing on Fenrir – December 2005.
- Earned Kraken Club on August 2006. (120 million)
- Created DuckHUNT Linkshell on October 2006.
- Solo Fenrir Prime on December 2006.
- Solo Khimaira 13 on January 2007.
- Solo Bune 13 on January 2007.
- Solo Genbu on February 2007.
- Duoed NW Apollyon with Roranora on March 2007.
- Solo BugBoy ENM on May 2007.
- Solo Ix’Mnk on November 2007.
- Obtained Otak from Quetzalcoatl IRL on October 2009.
Red Mage / Blue Mage / Samurai.
Notable Sets:
- Full AF2 Red Mage.
- Full Homam.
- Full Nashira (Favorite).
- Full Morrigan.

the StarOnion in 2006
The Website:
It all started because I was really bored. I’ve recently (2006) took a web programming class, and to prevent it from rusting, I’ve decided to at least make a blog!
I’ve previously tried to create a website, but I spend a lot of time on the technical aspect, leaving no time to even update etc, or making it interesting. So for this Final Fantasy XI (FFXI) blog, I concentrate on content, then be technical later ^^;
So this time, I start off with a blog, and later (I hope), one day turning this to something like Tarunation / Souleater.
I’ve still got a lot of backward-posting to do. But at least I got a space on the web to share my FFXI adventure!
the StarOnion:
Why the StarOnion? Well SOB has a few meaning. It can mean Son of a Biatch, it can also mean Star Onion Brigade. But to a Pilot, it means Souls on Board. I thought since all these things relate to me, I’ve decided to use this as a domain name.
Though, if you want the actual full story of why I started blogging, well I’ve got an article just for that :D!
And something about the real Maiev
Name: Jeffrey (I’m the Dude lol)
Country: Hong Kong (Now in Toronto, Ontario)
Age: Started when I was 19. I’m nearly 28 :x
A lot of people think I’m a chick. NO! I’m a dude. I even made it clear to Chloie, who still ended up whoring me >.> for HQ stuff. Back to the topic! I’m roughly 178cm, due to the nature of FFXI, I tend to not eat as much as I want to.
I’m a flight school dispatcher, I authorize flights on a daily basis. I am also a Pilot wanna-be. Yes, I do know how to fly real airplanes. I’m trying to achieve Lv75 in Flying! (lol). Give me a shout if you’re a long-time reader, I’ll take you up the sky, my treat =)
On the side, I’m also a webmaster, a crappy web designer, and also a blog writer for numerous other websites. I enjoy maintaining them and coding them more than writing them lulz. I also enjoy video editing, as well as a lot of fiddling with a lot of computer gadgets. I’m a CrackBerry addict (Bold 9900 baby!).
I also program in PHP and a little Java. I don’t enjoy it because… ugh… getting something to work for me takes ages lulz.
Playing FFXI was an accident for me. I love Final Fantasy and when I first saw Final Fantasy XI on PC (other than FF7), I snatched it right away. I didn’t get why it needed a Credit Card… until I started playing. OMG this is addictive. It is also my first MMORPG.
Through this MMORPG, I’ve met numerous friends, hell I’ve even met my girlfriend (the girl in the picture). I don’t regret losing 6 years of my life, and even if I had a choice, I’d take the same route again. If I regret, I won’t get to know my girlfriend =( No Taru love is sad. My girlfriend (Karla), also pwns in art too! She’s gotten 2 moogle rod >.> wtf.
Oh yea in that picture, we are actually playing some FFXI music =) Duet (not just solo lolz). Yes, we both play instruments. I’m just a lot more crappier now.
At one point I was playing FFXI and WoW. LOL!
So the real Maiev (Jeffrey) now, have taken a backseat in FFXI. I’ve got out of my FFXI addiction, only play casually and rather do other FFXI related things. I’m a FFXI fan-art lover. I’m now just focusing on my career. I’ve treat my real life like a mission now. I need to collect key items (licenses), merit (getting flying experience), in order to get into a good HNMLS (good airline). LOL?
The Other Blurbs
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One Response to “The TaruTaru Maiev”
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Heya Maiev,
I dont know if you remember me. I was Raiko’s friend back on Fenrir. Grats on getting married, that’s awesome news. I’m just getting in touch because me and Raiko are going to both be on FFXIV:ARR and would like to know what server you’re on. Raiko misses his old Omen buddies and I’ve been longing for the good times as well. We did a little beta-testing for ARR and we are on board.
Anyways, great to see you’re doing so well.