Divine Fragment !!!

Got my Divine Fragment!!

Just got my fragment tonight at Dynamis-Xarcabard! Wooo! Thanks FryPan ! I’m one step closer to finishing relic ^^. I was a little worried at first since we let the Animated Tachi warp away. But we did it very well this time! We also killed Dynamis Lord after getting a Shadow Ring, Congrats to Azazael.

Thanks again! OH.. and there’s my power lot of 75 …

Sohjai's FFXI Taru Samurai on DuckHUNT Fenrir, Divine Fragment, Relic Weapon Upgrade

Now for the Attestation that doesn’t want to drop. 0/3 so far on Velosareon, he’s dropped 2 Bow and 1 Scythe attestations. Hope I’ll get this soon.

After that it’s just all Sandy pieces! ETA 3 months lol.. Still awfully long time till I’ll be done. =/

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