Azimuth Circle II

Woot!!! Finally it’s here, i have been waiting for ages, i can’t wait to do the event :D me and Quin did a dry run and tried to figure out how the event works. Both you and your partner will be transported to a field each one will find their specific “checkpoints”. Your partner can guide you by giving you the direction via compass. They need to heal in order to get the direction. Once you get to the checkpoint, you get�a doll.

Well, me and Quin failed first time but we got it second try ^^ Here’s the pic!

Ciermel and Quintalian, FFXI Fenrir

Then i switched partner with Inoretalu to help him get his yukata. Afterwards, we tried to get the hq version. This time direction is given according from the distance of your character to the checkpoint. The metric system is called yalms. It took us a lot of tries also coz SE likes placing the points next to the weapons >.< But our pain and suffering got paid and here's the result ^^

Inorelin and Ciermel, FFXI Fenrir

I can say I had a great time with Inore, and he admitted he enjoyed doing the event too ^^

Ciermel and Inorelin, FFXI Fenrir

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