WIP: LS Website v3 and misc…

DuckHUNT’s Website, Fenrir

DuckHUNT Website v3

I think this is what I enjoy =) Creating things :D Well… with my amateur coding skills, I.. err pulled out something like this :D On the right was just me showcase-ing the website to my friends when they were over at my workplace. Obviously it needed some work, few people gave me inputs via drawing on the board :D You might see it if you examine it carefully! It was mostly optimization in… convenience :D and yea catch a few graphical errors. So I hope that’s done soon. That was the cool stuff.

I really code just for fun.. wish I was better at it :x so I can customize it a little bit more. Just waiting for a little bit more SS from linkshell (or if there’s any) to complete the rest :O


Now onto the shitty stuff…

Keiffa’s Christmas Present…

Keiffa’s Xmas Present…

Well… this was what Keiffa’s err… Christmas present turned into… a piece of trash! A few of you got cards, some got something different, but for Keiffa, I was sending him the poster I had on Mai wall. Apparently stupid USPS ripped off his address =_=; flagged as incomplete address. After 5mths of wondering the world of “Earth”, it came back to me so squashed, that it looked like 10 galka sat on it.

Well.. I guess it’d make good blinds.

Some never got the card, such as Zimph or Vryali. I don’t even think Cloud got his either. Oh well :D Nice try I guess…

Anyway, ciao! Back to err.. Mai other projects :O!

One Response to “WIP: LS Website v3 and misc…”

  1. Keiffa says:

    I can’t believe this usps trash my gift like this! I am glad it turned up somewhere though, I had all but forgotten about it. Thank you for sending my this present, Mai. I’m sorry it didn’t come through, but don’t let this one bad experience turn you away from sending me more presents in the future! ^.^


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