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Camalus 05-07-2010 01:35 AM

Camalus's Application.
Do you meet our minimum requirements?
I believe I do meet your requirements in my job understanding, and my attitude as an individual.

Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
I've been in a lot of LS's, but my most current ones would be Lagsave and CritFail on Fenrir. No hard feelings with either of the LS's. I did do a server transfer a few years back to Remora and joined up with Exodus under my old name Fyemih. They were just to intense for me and things didnt work out, no hard feelings; I just returned to Fenrir.

What time can you play?
I am able to play pretty much everyday. Weekdays I would say best time to log on would be 5:30-6 PST. and weekends I can usually be on all day if I want.

Who can access your account? Why?
My best ingame friend Lyshell. He has access to help me out because sometimes my job IRL takes me away from being able to make events and he knows how to play my main job pretty well, as I have taught him everything I know.

Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
I am interested in DH because I have taken a very long break from endgame and am to the point where I am ready to do it again. I know a few members of DH already too, and hope to make many more friends and expand my game knowledge even further.

References (within and outside). Preferably, a former LS leader or former Sack who can put their name on the line to vouch for you. Hellknight, Jackalman is also pretty cool with me.

Do you understand a Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period? (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month)
Yeah, I understand and would plan on running as much as possible anyway.

Some Extra Information:
Active Jobs: 75MNK
MNK is my passion and I have taken great pride in building it to be the best it can be imo, I'm sure my skills as a MNK would benefit your LS.

Semi retired: 75BLM,75SAM,75SMN
I say semi retired because I still have some gear for them, however not enough for them to be used. Only the ra/ex. So if you want these jobs usable that's fine, but it will take me some time to properly gear them (one of the reasons for joining)
Soon to be 75: 70DRG

HP/MP: Capped 8/8
Attributes: Capped 5/5
Combat: Capped H2H/Polearm/Guard 20/20
Magic: Capped Elemental/Summoning 16/16
Others: Capped Enm+/Crit Hit Rate 8/8
MNK: Capped
BLM: Group1 Capped - Group2 2/10
SAM: Group1 Capped - Group2 6/10
SMN: Capped

Please ask me anything else you'd like to know, I'm an open book ^^

Jingex 05-07-2010 02:03 AM

MNK is one of my great passions too so when i ask this just understand that, but are you willing to play other jobs if situation kinda prefers them? Like get acceptable gear for BLM and SAM in case MNK isnt a job that is prefered for situation?

Camalus 05-07-2010 02:53 AM

Naturally of course I would lol I wouldnt have listed them if I wasn't ok playing them. However, I do need a few pieces for BLM to be used. So unless someone gives me gil or gear lol it will be a little bit before it is geared enough. If gear doesnt matter in certain situations then no prob, I'll come on it. But at the same time I also didn't put the time, effort and gil into making relic to not use it as much as possible. If the situation best suites me on BLM no prob. theres really not much a SAM can do that I cant do on my MNK tho.

Ephram 05-11-2010 08:54 PM

da fyemehi!!!!! hey dude!!! hai dare GOAT dada dada papa pupu D:!

Lilyana 05-11-2010 10:35 PM

Sorry took so long, I don't mind giving you a shot but we're going to need you on BLM and possibly SMN sometimes. Don't need like the best gear ever but just basic stuff that gets the job done ;) Let me know if that's ok and I'll be more than happy to give you a pearl.

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